Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I need to introduce nouns. But I do not know what is a noun. I know what is Singular Noun and Plural Nouns. Singular Noun is 1, Plural Nouns is more than 1 and Plural Nouns need add s, es, ies.

About Me

我叫梁修誠(shiou cheng liang[alex]),我現在就讀的是新光國際學校,我在8年級2班,我喜歡打籃球跟玩電動,我家離學校很遠大概做1~2個小時的車程,我家住在工廠,我家有4個人我爸爸、我媽媽跟我姐姐跟我,我姐姐也在新光國際學校就讀,他是11年級的,我爸爸在我們住的工廠工作,我媽媽他在臺灣很少來印尼,

Verb Video

This video is about verbs.